React js interview questions ?

1. What is React.js, and what are its key features?
2. Explain the difference between functional components and class components in React.
3. What is JSX? Explain the difference from HTML.
4. What are props in React? How can it be utilized?
5. What is state in React? Explain what it is as compared to a prop.
6. Write down the explanations about the life cycle methods present in React
7. Why is there importance of the function setState() in React
8. What are hooks in React, and explain any popular hooks available in React?.
9. How does React handle events?
10. What is a virtual DOM? How does React’s virtual DOM improve performance?
11. What is the concept of conditional rendering in React?
12. What is the purpose of keys in lists within React? Why do you need to use keys for lists?
13. How do you share data between different components in a React application?
14. What are HOCs and how do they work in React?
15. What is React Router and how do you implement routing within a React application?
16. Difference between controlled and uncontrolled components in React
17. How do you handle forms in React? Discussion of form validation
18. What is Redux? Why would you use it with React?
19. Explain the concept of context in React. When would you use it?
20. How would you optimize the performance of a React application?

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