1. What’s the difference between JDK, JRE, and JVM?
2. Difference between an abstract class and an interface
3. What’s the difference between checked and unchecked exceptions in Java?
4. What’s the final keyword in Java? The mechanism and how it works?
5. How does garbage collection work in Java?
6. What’s the difference between == and.equals() method in Java?
7. What’s method overloading and method overriding in Java?
8. What is the difference between ArrayList and LinkedList in Java?
9. How does multi-threading work in Java? Describe Thread and Runnable interfaces.
10. What is synchronization in Java? And how is it done?
11. What is the purpose of a static keyword in Java?
12. What is the difference between HashMap and HashTable in Java?
13. Explain inheritance in Java. How does it work?
14. What is super keyword in Java?
15. What is difference between StringBuilder and StringBuffer classes?
16. What are the use of try, catch and finally blocks for exception handling in Java?
17. What are access modifiers in Java? What are their types and visibility?
18. How is polymorphism done in Java?
19. This keyword in Java. What it is used for?
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